personal training

40 Years of Exercise...

Floch Fitness At Home Personal Training client Professor Scott Galloway considers exercise as one of his cornerstones toward personal and professional success. In this clip from his top rated podcast Pivot, Scott shares how exercising for the last 40 years has improved not only his physique, but his career and personal life as well.

You don’t need to have be a industry leader to work with me. I have all different levels of intervention that I can help with from nutrition coaching to at home personal training. The key is determining what the most bang for buck way of working together is. Click the link below to get started today!

3 reasons personal training is right for you…

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At home personal training is one of the best ways to reach your fitness goals, but there are also some added benefits that you might not realize you are receiving. Here are 3 benefits to hiring a personal training that you probably never thought of:

  1. Time saved-The average person travels 10 minutes (4 miles) to get to the gym each day. Then you have to include the travel back home. In total you are spending 20 minutes on travel daily and 80 minutes a week if you are training four days per week. In fact, the longer you have to travel to get to the gym, the less likely you are to go the gym. When working with a personal trainer in your home, you get that time back. How much is an 1+ hour a week worth to you?

  2. Better Strength-People who get direct supervision during resistance training have greater gains for both lower- and upper-body muscles, primarily due to the higher training intensity that comes with working out with a personal trainer. In addition, there is a lower propensity of injury when using a personal training versus self-training.

  3. Improved Accountability-The majority of health clubs and gyms lose 50% of their new members within the first six months. When working with a personal trainer, this number drops off drastically. Why? When I show up at your house and knock on your door, you are not skipping the workout!

Ready to start a training program of your own? I’m here to help! Click the link below to set up a free assessment today!

Legacy, Routine, and Shirtless Food Reviews with Rudy Arcara

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Welcome back! It is my pleasure to welcome this week's special guest Rudy Arcara to the Fitness, Wellness, and Longevity Podcast. Rudy is a personal trainer and fitness instructor in Boca Raton and Delray Beach, Florida. He is one the greatest football players to come out of Westchester County, NY, winning two state championships with Harrison High School before moving on to play Division 1 Football at Iona College in New Rochelle, NY.

After graduating from Iona, Rudy sustained a back injury that left him in debilitating pain and unfortunately led Rudy to becoming addicted to prescription pain medication. Rudy and his family decided to seek treatment in South Florida and that's where Rudy's journey started moving in a more uplifting direction. After become sober, Rudy decided to ditch a more corporate gig in favor of his passion: fitness and coaching. His story resonates with not only those in the recovery community, but also the post graduate athletes looking for purpose after a life of competition.

I appreciate Rudy for coming on the podcast and being so honest and candid. I am sure his story and words of wisdom will not only educate but inspire those who listen. If you like this podcast, please subscribe!

Bent Over Barbell Row...The Best Upper Back Exercise?

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I’ll be honest, I used to HATE the bent over barbell row. I found that most clients would feel too much tension in the lower back, so I shied away from it. Recently however, I have been using it with lighter weight for higher reps and have found much more success. The issue I was having was that clients tend to arch the back to hold the position, rather than keeping the ribs back and down and feeling ab tension. Reaching the hips back and loading the hamstrings secures the position and works the posture muscles as well as the upper back.

Here is at home personal training client Prof G. hitting reps of 12-15 with solid weight with great technique.

Throw this into your next workout with either a overhand or supinated grip in sets of 10+ to get the upper back roasted while ingraining good posture.

Looking for a more personalized touch with your training? Let’s work one-on-one. Click the link below to see if an at home personal training plan is right for you.

Member Spotlight: Professor Scott Galloway

Professor Scott Galloway (NYU Stern School of Business) converted to at-home contactless personal training early this summer and he hasn't looked back. He has been much more consistent with his workouts compared to his life before COVID, which has led to serious performance and body composition changes. He saves time not having to travel to and from the gym meaning he has more time for work (New York Times Best Selling Author) and spending time with his kids. Lastly, because I travel to him, he doesn't have to worry about equipment. It's a win, win, win.

Looking to take your training and accountability to the next level? Click the link to set up a free assessment today and find out if The Floch is right for you!