south florida

Legacy, Routine, and Shirtless Food Reviews with Rudy Arcara

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Welcome back! It is my pleasure to welcome this week's special guest Rudy Arcara to the Fitness, Wellness, and Longevity Podcast. Rudy is a personal trainer and fitness instructor in Boca Raton and Delray Beach, Florida. He is one the greatest football players to come out of Westchester County, NY, winning two state championships with Harrison High School before moving on to play Division 1 Football at Iona College in New Rochelle, NY.

After graduating from Iona, Rudy sustained a back injury that left him in debilitating pain and unfortunately led Rudy to becoming addicted to prescription pain medication. Rudy and his family decided to seek treatment in South Florida and that's where Rudy's journey started moving in a more uplifting direction. After become sober, Rudy decided to ditch a more corporate gig in favor of his passion: fitness and coaching. His story resonates with not only those in the recovery community, but also the post graduate athletes looking for purpose after a life of competition.

I appreciate Rudy for coming on the podcast and being so honest and candid. I am sure his story and words of wisdom will not only educate but inspire those who listen. If you like this podcast, please subscribe!