
Beach Workout to Lose Weight

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What do you get when you combine a 24kg kettlebell, TRX Trainer, and sand? An epic workout! I have always found the sand along the canal has been a nuisance. But now I realize it is an excellent training tool! With minimal equipment you can get an amazing strength endurance workout like the one you see here:

In this workout, I chose four different exercises:

  1. Backward Drag-In a squatted position, keep your butt tucked and torso vertical. Reach your arms and drive back through your heels. You should feel your core, quads, and butt working.

  2. Forward Drag-In an upright position with the handles by your shoulders, extend your hip as you drive your leg back. Keep your ribs down so you don’t overuse your lower back.

  3. Kettlebell Row-Start in a squatted position with the arms extended, explosively extend the hips while pulling with your upper back and arms. Step back until your arms are extended and repeat.

  4. Explosive Press-Start with the arms by the shoulders and a staggered stance with one foot in front of the other. Drive the handles away from the body. Step forward resetting the arms and repeat.

Each of these exercises were done for 25m in succession for 20 minutes. Keep the pace consistent and have some fun!

If you need help designing fun fat burning workouts, I’d love to help! Click the link below to book a free assessment today!

Strength and Conditioning In One Workout

Finding time for both strength work and conditioning can be really challenging sometimes. In a survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of fitness app creator Freeletics, it turns out “not having time” took home the first-place crown with 42 percent saying that time is the biggest reason they fail to work out. If you fall into this category, kettlebell complexes should be your friend! I really like kettlebell complexes for a few reasons:

  1. Because of the ergonomic design, you don’t need to warm-up nearly as much as with a barbell

  2. You can do hundreds of different exercises

  3. You can combine strength work and conditioning at the same time

I was pressed for time the other day, so I threw together this complex:

  • 10 Single Leg RDL

  • 10 Single Arm Press

  • 10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges

  • 10 Bent Over Rows

I performed all four exercises in a row on one side, then did all four on the opposite side. I rested 2 minutes, then I repeated for 3 sets. In total, with a brief warm-up, this workout took be 20 minutes. In other words, if you have 20 minutes and a kettlebell, you can get a fantastic total body conditioning workout in!

Looking for some more awesome custom tailored workouts? Book a free assessment today and let’s start working toward the best version of you!

How to Workout in 30min?

Welcome back to another workout of the week!

This week, I put the baby down for a nap and knew I had just about 30 minutes to get a workout in. I decided to grab a kettlebell, my assault bike, and the DIY farmer's handles and complete a continuous 30 minute circuit:

10cals Assault Bike

2/arm Turkish Get-Up

50m Farmer's carry.

Tips for this workout:

1. This is a 30 minute workout so the pace should be continuous. If you were to time how long the rounds take, the first round should match the last round.

2. Take your time on the Turkish get-up and use perfect form. On these I would really focus on trying to reach up through the shoulder while keeping the ribcage down.

3. Go heavy on the farmer's carry. These DIY handles cost about $60 to make (compared to two handles plus weights would cost $150-$300). By the end of the 50 meters, you should be pretty gassed.

I post this workout to show you what my workouts look like on a regular basis. Nothing too fancy and 100% of the time they are under an hour. Goes to show to look and feel great, you don't have to spend hours in the gym. You just have to train smart, have an intention on working on what's important, and then be consistent. I hope this helps!

Looking for a personalized touch to your workout routine? Floch Fitness offers individualized training programs that are tailored to your skill level, equipment availability, and goals. Click the link in my below to sign-up for a free assessment.

simple total body fat burning workout for aging athletes

Have a couple of kettlebells and need an awesome complex/workout to get you stronger and burn fat? Then look no further! This complex is KILLER, and the best part is since you are using kettlebells, it's easier on the joints relative to the barbell. Perform the following movements without dropping the kettlebell, rest 1-2min, then repeat for three sets. 6 KB RDL to Row 6 KB Cleans 6 KB Front Squats 6 KB Push Press If you are new to kettlebells or are going lighter, bump the reps up to 10 per exercise. Looking for more awesome at home workouts that are tailored to your exact goals, skill level, and equipment availability? I'm here to help! Book a free assessment today and let's bring out the best version of you!