
Beach Workout to Lose Weight

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What do you get when you combine a 24kg kettlebell, TRX Trainer, and sand? An epic workout! I have always found the sand along the canal has been a nuisance. But now I realize it is an excellent training tool! With minimal equipment you can get an amazing strength endurance workout like the one you see here:

In this workout, I chose four different exercises:

  1. Backward Drag-In a squatted position, keep your butt tucked and torso vertical. Reach your arms and drive back through your heels. You should feel your core, quads, and butt working.

  2. Forward Drag-In an upright position with the handles by your shoulders, extend your hip as you drive your leg back. Keep your ribs down so you don’t overuse your lower back.

  3. Kettlebell Row-Start in a squatted position with the arms extended, explosively extend the hips while pulling with your upper back and arms. Step back until your arms are extended and repeat.

  4. Explosive Press-Start with the arms by the shoulders and a staggered stance with one foot in front of the other. Drive the handles away from the body. Step forward resetting the arms and repeat.

Each of these exercises were done for 25m in succession for 20 minutes. Keep the pace consistent and have some fun!

If you need help designing fun fat burning workouts, I’d love to help! Click the link below to book a free assessment today!

What to do with a TRX?

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During the pandemic, at home training equipment has been hard to come by, but a purchase many individuals have made is a TRX Trainer. The TRX plays off of gymnastics rings in that they are versatile, compact, and portable, but they leave the rings behind in adaptability. You see, to rig up a TRX, you need nothing but a door, which makes them ideal for training indoors, in the backyard, or in a hotel room. Additionally, you can use the TRX to hit almost every body part (list here). Here is a video of some of my favorite upper back mobility and strength exercise that I use with my clients on a regular basis.

A tool is only as good its user. To best utilize your TRX trainer, you need a goal for the training session. It could be total body (legs, arms, and abs) or a specific body part. Once you have a goal, it’s time to choose 4-5 exercises that fit into your goal. For instance, if I want to train total body, I might use the trainer for:

  • Split Squat (knee flexion)

  • Glute Bridge + Hamstring Curls (hip extension)

  • Push-Ups (horizontal pushing)

  • Body Row (horizontal pulling)

  • Plank Holds (core)

Once I have chosen my movements, I would cycle through each movement for 12-15 reps at a 3 second negative tempo and fast on the way back up (core movements would be held for 30-60sec). As for rest, pause between separate movements long enough for you to catch your breath and let your heart rate recovery. You want to keep the sweat going, but you don’t want to go so fast that the quality of you reps drops off. Repeat this cycle for 3 sets. In 20 minutes, your work is done and you are on with your day!

Need some extra help constructing your workouts to fit your specific needs? Floch Fitness offers at home personal training and custom training programs to get you moving toward the best version of you! Click the link to book a free assessment today!