Strength and Conditioning In One Workout

Finding time for both strength work and conditioning can be really challenging sometimes. In a survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of fitness app creator Freeletics, it turns out “not having time” took home the first-place crown with 42 percent saying that time is the biggest reason they fail to work out. If you fall into this category, kettlebell complexes should be your friend! I really like kettlebell complexes for a few reasons:

  1. Because of the ergonomic design, you don’t need to warm-up nearly as much as with a barbell

  2. You can do hundreds of different exercises

  3. You can combine strength work and conditioning at the same time

I was pressed for time the other day, so I threw together this complex:

  • 10 Single Leg RDL

  • 10 Single Arm Press

  • 10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges

  • 10 Bent Over Rows

I performed all four exercises in a row on one side, then did all four on the opposite side. I rested 2 minutes, then I repeated for 3 sets. In total, with a brief warm-up, this workout took be 20 minutes. In other words, if you have 20 minutes and a kettlebell, you can get a fantastic total body conditioning workout in!

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