How to Workout in 30min?

Welcome back to another workout of the week!

This week, I put the baby down for a nap and knew I had just about 30 minutes to get a workout in. I decided to grab a kettlebell, my assault bike, and the DIY farmer's handles and complete a continuous 30 minute circuit:

10cals Assault Bike

2/arm Turkish Get-Up

50m Farmer's carry.

Tips for this workout:

1. This is a 30 minute workout so the pace should be continuous. If you were to time how long the rounds take, the first round should match the last round.

2. Take your time on the Turkish get-up and use perfect form. On these I would really focus on trying to reach up through the shoulder while keeping the ribcage down.

3. Go heavy on the farmer's carry. These DIY handles cost about $60 to make (compared to two handles plus weights would cost $150-$300). By the end of the 50 meters, you should be pretty gassed.

I post this workout to show you what my workouts look like on a regular basis. Nothing too fancy and 100% of the time they are under an hour. Goes to show to look and feel great, you don't have to spend hours in the gym. You just have to train smart, have an intention on working on what's important, and then be consistent. I hope this helps!

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