aging athlete

Aerobic Training Improves Brain Processing and Memory...

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In a recent study published by Florida Atlantic University, researchers found that ”plasma CTSB (a positive biomarker for brain health) levels were increased following this 26-week structured aerobic exercise training in older adults at risk for Alzheimer’s Disease.” Furthermore, “Verbal learning and memory correlated positively with change in CTSB In aging humans, aerobic exercise training increases gray and white matter volume, enhances blood flow, and improves memory function. “ These findings further emphasize the importance of regular aerobic exercise when it comes to keeping your mind sharp!

If you haven’t been integrating aerobic training into your regular exercise routine, it’s time to start. To get the health benefits of aerobic training, it doesn’t have to be fancy or too challenging. Longer walks at a brisk pace should do the trick for most. Aim for 30 continuous minutes 3-4 times each week.

If you need help staying accountable or coming up with strategies that are personalized for you, I’m here to help! Click the link below to schedule a free assessment today!

How Does Prof G Stay Mentally and Physically Fit After 50?


In this week’s Fitness, Wellness, and Longevity Podcast, my special guest in NYU professor, renowned podcaster (Pivot and The Prof G Show) and best selling author (The Four, Algebra of Happiness, and Post Corona) Scott Galloway. In this episode we talk about:

Mental Health As A Brand

How Scott gets back to feeling good after feeling down

Advice on Break-Ups

What he admires most about himself

...and so much more!

Thank you again to Scott for coming onto today's podcast.

If you like what you heard of Scott, you can catch him on his other podcasts wherever you listen to podcasts.

Please subscribe, rate, review, and share with a friend!

See you next time.

Ready to make changes like Scott? I’m here to help! Click the link below to set up a free assessment today!

Athlete Spotlight: Jeff Cohen

Jeff has been a Floch Fitness client for over 6 years now, and he rarely misses a workout.  When I asked him where his motivation comes from, he chuckled.  “I hate working out.”  He continued,  “I wake up at 5:30am, and every morning I say, ‘I don’t want to workout.’  But I don’t rely on whether or not I want to workout to get the job done, I rely on my habit of getting out of bed, and getting to the gym.”  You see, Jeff has made going to the gym so ingrained into his life, it’s as normal to him as tying his shoes.  It’s this secret that has created consistency not only in Jeff’s fitness, but in both his professional and personal life as well.  Jeff is a successful attorney and business owner, loving husband and father, and he is an author as well! He released his first book last year entitled, The Wolf That Wins (available on Amazon).  

If you are looking to change your life, take a page out of Jeff’s playbook and work on your habits first.  From there, everything else becomes a lot easier.  Need some additional support?  I’m here to help.  Book a free assessment today, and let’s start constructing habits that will lead to the best version of you!

Athlete Spotlight: Mendel Korf

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“Do you do anything outside the gym?” I asked the new client with black hair and pale skin in front of me struggling to catch his breath. “Yeah,” he replied, “I kiteboard.” I really didn’t know much about kiteboarding until I met Mendel Korf, but I know training we do in the gym allows him to enjoy his passion even more.

When Mendel started a remote coaching program, he struggled to keep on bodyweight, had inconsistency in workouts, and he simply wasn’t able to perform in the surf the way he wanted to. Mendel says, “I wanted big air. And my legs just aren’t strong enough or conditioned enough for a long day of riding.” We implemented a program specific to Mendel’s needs. He now says, “Doing the Olympic lifts and getting my legs stronger has me jumping waves higher than I ever have before.” He continues, “I am way more consistent in the gym as well. I hate it when I see my program with a little red X. It motivates me to get to the gym and get my workout in.”

In a remote coaching program, I utilize the cutting edge application True Coach which allows me to send individualized training to all of my athletes. When you wake up in the morning, you don’t have to worry about figuring out what your workout is going to be. You open up your email, and BAM, Your workout is waiting for you! You follow the workout template, records results, and those results are instantly sent to me on the other end to review. The application also has great features like exercise videos, nutrition tracking, and PR recording. It’s a powerful tool and it allows both you and myself to see the progress you’ve been making.

And boy has Mendel made progress. He recently hit personal bests in both his back squat and front squat! Like many of my clients, Mendel has stuck with a growth mindset, even during the pandemic. He hasn’t missed a workout (despite working through a hand injury) and he has gotten his father into the swing of things! Since starting a workout routine, Mendel’s dad is down 40lbs. in bodyweight and PR’d his mile time by over 4 minutes. Mendel and his father are truly inspiring and show that with hard work, the right mindset, and great coaching, the fitness you have always dreamed of is right at your fingertips.

Are you ready to join the Floch? Click the link below to book a free assessment and start working toward your goals today!

Party For A Long Time, Not Just A Good Time

When working with aging athletes, I always come back to the phrase, “Party for a long time, not just a good time.” The saying refers to the idea that if you party really hard, the party doesn’t last very long. Most weekend warriors that I end up working with have chronic back, shoulder, and neck issues that stem from either playing sports when they were younger, or from injuries they have accumulated in recent years from things like pick-up basketball or marathon training. I rarely haven’t to push these individuals harder during their workouts, rather I have to slow them down and working on foundational concepts like mobility and consistency.

Mobility, which is the combination of flexibility and stability, is a buzz word used these days but people mostly lean on the flexibility aspect. Why? For one it’s fairly easy to do and secondly, stretching doesn’t require much thought. Think sitting on the ground trying to touch your toes to “lengthen” your hamstrings.  Personally, I don’t do a ton of stretching anymore with myself or the clients that I work with. Instead, I rely mostly on activation exercises and postural breathing work (holding a position and learning how to fully exhale and inhale).

Consistency rules when it comes to success in aging athletes. When I ask potential clients during assessment if they currently have a training program and how long they have been doing it, I get met with a lot of “ums”, “ahs”, and excuses. “My kids take up my time,” “My job is too stressful,” and “I can’t make it to the gym” are some of the most common responses I hear.  All of those things are fine, but unless we accept that we are in control of our fitness, we can’t change anything. Doing 20 minutes of exercise daily is better than hitting the gym for 2 hours every other week. In fact, there are clients that I work with who do just that, 20 minutes a day, and they are in phenomenal shape (they eat well too). If fitness is your goal, outside of clean eating, consistently moving every day should be your goal.

There are so many aspects to health and wellness as you age, and a lot of the time the answer is right under your nose, but you just need a little help finding your own sweet spot. That’s where a knowledgeable coach can help. I have been a performance coach for 10+ years, and I have guided hundreds of clients to amazing results. I’d love to help you too! Click the link below to set up a free assessment, and let’s get moving toward the best version of you!