
Better Cardio for Ageless Athletes!

Are you an ageless athlete who struggles with cardio?

In this video, I break down the components of cardio and explain the mistakes that most ageless athletes make and how to fix them.

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Ready to take your cardio to the next level? I’m here to help! Click the link below to get started today!

Is Your Breathing Your Limiter?

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In this week's episode, Scott and I talk about the results of Scott's online training group's most recent training block. We go on to talk about Scott's most recent 5-1-5 test and what his training is going to look like as a result.

If you like today's podcast, please subscribe, rate, review, and share with a friend!


Are you looking to change your fitness? I’m here to help! Click the link below to get started!

Aerobic Training Improves Brain Processing and Memory...

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In a recent study published by Florida Atlantic University, researchers found that ”plasma CTSB (a positive biomarker for brain health) levels were increased following this 26-week structured aerobic exercise training in older adults at risk for Alzheimer’s Disease.” Furthermore, “Verbal learning and memory correlated positively with change in CTSB In aging humans, aerobic exercise training increases gray and white matter volume, enhances blood flow, and improves memory function. “ These findings further emphasize the importance of regular aerobic exercise when it comes to keeping your mind sharp!

If you haven’t been integrating aerobic training into your regular exercise routine, it’s time to start. To get the health benefits of aerobic training, it doesn’t have to be fancy or too challenging. Longer walks at a brisk pace should do the trick for most. Aim for 30 continuous minutes 3-4 times each week.

If you need help staying accountable or coming up with strategies that are personalized for you, I’m here to help! Click the link below to schedule a free assessment today!

My 5 Favorite Assault Bike Workouts For Aging Athletes

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Assault Airbike is one of the most versatile pieces of equipment in the gym. However, there are few workouts that I prefer over many others and you might choose one of these workout for your next training session.

  1. 30 seconds Hard/30 seconds Easy x 10-30sets- This is a great simple workout that is easy to execute and leads to great results. For beginners, I would start with 10 sets shooting for an 80% effort during the "hard" go, and simply spinning during the "easy" go. For more advanced athletes, you can increase the number of sets and aim for the effort you would give for a 90 second all out for your 30 second "hard" intervals.

  2. 60 Minutes Easy-Joel Jamieson, strength and conditioning guru who has coached world class athletes, calls this the Cardiac Output Method. Riding the bike for 60 minutes is another simple workout that is sounds harder than it actually is. The purpose of this workout is to increase pacing abilities, recover from previous training sessions, increase blood volume to the heart and so much more.

  3. Tabata Intervals-20sec @ 100%,10sec rest x 8 rounds. Depending on the individual, this may be the hardest workout you have ever done, especially if you have never gone all out on an Assault Bike before. The purpose of this workout is to drive your heart rate as high as it can, as fast as you can, and attempt to maintain intensity throughout. If done properly, most people will have a fall off in power, even though their effort may still be high. This is supposed to happen. It is near impossible to give your 100%, then rest only 10 seconds, without seeing drop off within a few sets. By the end of this workout, you should be a some substantial discomfort. This is a great workout if you are short on time, or you need something to polish off your workout.

  4. 1min @ 97%; rest 3-6min x 4-8 sets-Much like the previous method, discomfort is the name of the game here. Lactate Power Intervals are designed to increase the bodies ability to tolerate and utilize lactate as a fuel source. In other words, you get used to feeling "the burn" and you can keep going. For beginners, stick to a few sets but keep the effort high. The rest times are designed to get you fully recovered for the next interval. To ensure you are doing this workout properly, record the number of cals from set to set. If you see a dip in calories greater than 10%, terminate the workout. If after the prescribed rest you aren't able to maintain the same output, terminate the workout and plan for more rest the next workout.

  5. 10 Minute Max Calories-This is a gold standard in the functional fitness world for aerobic power. Hitting over ~200cals has been the pass fail for elite male athletes, whereas over ~160 for female elite athletes. That means you are cruising at 16-20cals/minute for 10 minutes, a truly daunting feet. Most fitness enthusiasts won't come close to these marks, but this is a great way of measuring your fitness over time as there are few variables, and you don't need much equipment. As a bonus, you can wear a heart rate monitor to measure your average heart rate and max heart rate, which can be used for future training sessions.

The Assault Airbike has so many uses and these are just a few. In general, you can use the Airbike for short, medium, and long workouts, which is why I believe it is a must for anyone's home gym or fitness facility.

Has the Airbike kicked your butt in the past and you are looking to improve? Click the link to set up a free assessment today and let's start showing the bike who's boss!