Athlete Spotlight: Jeff Cohen

Jeff has been a Floch Fitness client for over 6 years now, and he rarely misses a workout.  When I asked him where his motivation comes from, he chuckled.  “I hate working out.”  He continued,  “I wake up at 5:30am, and every morning I say, ‘I don’t want to workout.’  But I don’t rely on whether or not I want to workout to get the job done, I rely on my habit of getting out of bed, and getting to the gym.”  You see, Jeff has made going to the gym so ingrained into his life, it’s as normal to him as tying his shoes.  It’s this secret that has created consistency not only in Jeff’s fitness, but in both his professional and personal life as well.  Jeff is a successful attorney and business owner, loving husband and father, and he is an author as well! He released his first book last year entitled, The Wolf That Wins (available on Amazon).  

If you are looking to change your life, take a page out of Jeff’s playbook and work on your habits first.  From there, everything else becomes a lot easier.  Need some additional support?  I’m here to help.  Book a free assessment today, and let’s start constructing habits that will lead to the best version of you!