Athlete Spotlight: Drew Backoff

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Throughout the pandemic, people have been faced with unimaginable hardship and obstacles. It is so challenging to focus on what you can control, and let go of things that are out of your hands. Drew Backoff, has used his fitness as a tool to center himself and continue a growth mindset when it almost seems impossible. Drew has improved his deadlift technique, hit a personal record on his power clean + hang power clean, and hit another personal record last week on a 3 rep max front squat (FEATURED BELOW). All the while improving his technique and ensuring that he will be able to have fun in the box for years to come.

Not only is Drew a stud in gym, he is also a compassionate and generous man, set an amazing example for his three sons Reed, Trevor, and Shane. Drew took on the American Heart Association’s Executives with Heart Challenge, raising funds to fight against cardiovascular disease. Drew has raised over $1,600 with a goal to get to $3,000. If you’d like to donate, click the link below. Donations are tax deductible.

Drew, keep grinding and setting the example for what hard work and dedication are all about!

If Drew’s journey has inspired you to be the best version of yourself, I’d like to help. Click the link below to book a free assessment and let’s get started today!