
What Is The Best Cardio Equipment for Your Home Gym?

There are many amazing pieces of cardio equipment available for you home gym. In this video I breakdown three of the most common pieces of cardio equipment, examine the pros/cons, and give you advice on picking the perfect piece for you! If you like this video, please subscribe, like the video, and leave a comment below of what your favorite piece of cardio equipment is!

Looking to take your training to the next level? Click below to get started today!

Crossfit 2.0 with Crossfit 353 Owner Peter Burke

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Welcome back!

In this week's episode, my special guest is Peter Burke, founder of Crossfit 353 in Dublin, Ireland. In our conversation we discuss where Crossfit as a company is in 2021, how Crossfit has changed since the global pandemic, how Crossfit 353 differentiates itself from other Crossfits, what a typical class looks like, and how small group fitness classes are the secret to unlocking optimal health!

If you like today's podcast, please subscribe, rate, review, and share with a friend!

2021 No Bull Crossfit Games Recap


In this week's episode, Scott and I talk about the 2021 No Bull Crossfit Games, including my experience attending, the current state of Crossfit, the top male and female performances, and The Fittest Mom on Earth Annie Thorisdottir.

If you like today's podcast, please subscribe, rate, review, and share with a friend!

See you next time.

The Fittest Mother on Earth

This past weekend, I was fortunate enough to attend the No Bull Crossfit Games in Madison, WI. I was able to see the world’s best men and women compete for the title of fittest on earth. Though Tia Claire Toomey and Justin Medeiros took home top prizes, there was one performance that simply blew me away. That performance was of Annie Thorisdottir (Anníe Mist Þórisdóttir).

Here are 3 reasons why Annie’s performance stands out amongst the rest of the field:

  1. Annie became a mother almost a year to the day of her third place finish at the games. She had to deal with all of the challenges of becoming a mother (repairing here body, breast feeding, lack of sleep), during a pandemic, and overcome tremendous competition just to make it back to the Games.

  2. This is Annie’s first podium appearance since 2017. When most women’s performances diminish as they age, the 31 year old Icelander has improved. She has been competing at the games since she was 17 years old back in 2009, and aside from a year off from a back injury, she has made it to the Games 11 times!

  3. When the pressure was on, Annie didn’t blink. Though she was 5 points out of 3rd place going into Sunday, Annie showed amazing athleticism and posting top 4 performances on all Sunday events.

Every mother (and father) can look to Annie for inspiration. Just because you have a child doesn’t mean your best days are behind you. For some, the best are yet to come!

Athlete Spotlight: Kelsey Kinsella


There is one word that comes to mind when describing Kelsey Kinsella: grit. Kelsey has been a part of the Floch since the beginning of Floch Fitness over 6 years ago. In our time working together, Kelsey has competed in the sport of fitness (Crossfit), worked on maximal strength (her personal best deadlift is 400lbs.!), and has moved closer to body composition goals. To give you an idea of Kelsey’s physical and mental fortitude, she has rowed the fastest 2,000m time for any female athlete I have ever worked with (7:32!!!).

With the immense changes in the world, Kelsey (a Physician’s Assistant at a major Broward County hospital) has had to balance her training with her extremely stressful work life. For now, that has become our goal in working together: stress reduction. Kelsey is continually bounced between trauma and ICU, and her training gives her stability. This is her time she can work on herself, both the mind and body. Even after a shift, she goes home, laces up her shoes, and gets her run and bodyweight training. I prescribe the workouts and she completes them. Time and time again. She knows that even an average effort on a workout is better than no attempt at all. As Kelsey’s life circumstances change and the pandemic eases, I look forward to our next step in Kelsey’s fitness journey. Thank you for being part of the Floch Kelsey!

Are you looking to balance your work life with physical training? If you feel like it’s time to make a change, I’m here to help. Book a free assessment today to get started on the path toward the best version of you!

Athlete Spotlight: Drew Backoff

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Throughout the pandemic, people have been faced with unimaginable hardship and obstacles. It is so challenging to focus on what you can control, and let go of things that are out of your hands. Drew Backoff, has used his fitness as a tool to center himself and continue a growth mindset when it almost seems impossible. Drew has improved his deadlift technique, hit a personal record on his power clean + hang power clean, and hit another personal record last week on a 3 rep max front squat (FEATURED BELOW). All the while improving his technique and ensuring that he will be able to have fun in the box for years to come.

Not only is Drew a stud in gym, he is also a compassionate and generous man, set an amazing example for his three sons Reed, Trevor, and Shane. Drew took on the American Heart Association’s Executives with Heart Challenge, raising funds to fight against cardiovascular disease. Drew has raised over $1,600 with a goal to get to $3,000. If you’d like to donate, click the link below. Donations are tax deductible.

Drew, keep grinding and setting the example for what hard work and dedication are all about!

If Drew’s journey has inspired you to be the best version of yourself, I’d like to help. Click the link below to book a free assessment and let’s get started today!

Got Strict Muscle Ups???

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Israel Costa jumped into a local Crossfit Competition and it exposed some holes in his fitness game. He struggled during the toes to bar and handstand push-ups and had issues with the olympic lifts. Israel knew he needed to improve his strength and gymnastics, but it wasn’t until we sat down and assessed his biggest limiter (upper body mobility) that we knew what direction we needed to go. We progressed the conventional compound lifts (squat, deadlift, and press) from simple to complex and integrated specific mobility exercises into his program to address his front rack and shoulder extension. He has been seeing great improvement and the proof is his very first strict muscle this past week:

Israel will be testing his fitness once again this coming weekend at the Black Sheep Games at Black Sheep Athletics (formerly Crossfit Boynton Beach). Good luck Israel!

Do you have shoulder mobility issues? It’s time for a mobility program built just for you. Click the link below to get started today!