How to Calculate Your Macros For Weightloss

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When I work with clients on nutrition, I not only like to give them a clear idea of the number of calories they should be taken in based upon their body composition goals (fat loss or muscle gain) but also the macro nutrient content as well. Controlling your macro nutrients are important for a number of reasons including:

  1. Lean Muscle Preservation

  2. Stabilizing Blood Sugar

  3. Increasing Energy

  4. Decreasing Stress Hormones like Coritsol

  5. Control Appetite

I think we can all agree that eating 1,000 of candy is substantially different than eating 1,000 calories of lean meats, complex carbs, and vegetables.

Here is the breakdown of how I calculate the macro nutrients for a 150lb. female client who is active (training 4-5x per week Crossfit) and looking to lose bodyfat.

Step 1-Calculate the number maintenance calories this athlete needs to maintain the same body weight with the given activity level. I like to use There are a bunch of different formulas available online, and they are all pretty similar. For this individual, maintenance is 2,200 cals per day.

Step 2-Determine the grams of protein necessary to support lean muscle mass by multiplying the athletes weight in pounds by 0.8-1.2. For this individual, the range would be 120g-180g of protein a day. As a general rule, the higher the activity level the lower on the range we would keep protein so it doesn't overtake carbs in importance. For this athlete, we go with 120g/day.

Step 3-Determine the grams of carbs necessary to support training, daily activities, and mental cognition multiplying the body weight in pounds by 0.5-2.0. Since the activity level is moderate, we'll go with 1.5x multiple giving the carbs/day at 225g/day.

Step 4-Determine fat consumption by subtracting the protein and carb calories from the total cal per day.

120g Pro x 4cals/g=480cals

225g Carb x 4cals/g=900cals



820cals/9cals/g=91g Fat

This is the maintenance calories and macros for this individual.

Step 5-Adjust grams of fat to create caloric deficit. We shoot for 300-500cals/day of a caloric deficit as this would lead to a 0.5-1lb loss in bodyfat each week (3,500cals=1lb.). 2,200cals goes to 1700cals/day.

Step 6-Calculate decrease in grams of fat

500cals / 9cals/g=55g

91g-55g=36g fat/day

Final Macros for Weight Loss:


120g Protein

225g Carbs

36g Fat

This is a general look at the macro nutrient breakdown for a client. I will dive deeper into specific variables that have to be addressed in other posts. The next step here would be implementing this plan for the client, which in my opinion is the most important and challenging aspect and where having a coach is critical.

In showing you the macro breakdown, I hope you learned a little more about what you are putting in your body and how to adjust your food intake to decrease body fat. If you would like help in creating a nutrition plan that works for you, I'm here to help! Click the link below to book an assessment today!