Stay Hydrated


Myth: We need 8 glasses of water a day.
Fact: Not only is this simply not the case, no one really knows where the recommendation came from! The fact is, different people need different amounts of water to stay hydrated. It all depends on how much we perspire, which is affected by the climate we live in, the kinds of clothing we wear, and our activity levels.
While there is no single recommendation for how much water each of us needs, a rule that myself and my clients follow is to drink fluids when you are thirsty and have beverages with your meals. For most of us, that’s enough to stay hydrated. But try to stay away from sweetened beverages as they can have too many calories.
Another way you can estimate if you are well hydrated is by the color of your urine. If it’s pale or straw-colored, you are likely well hydrated. Dark urine can indicate that you’re not.

See you next time!