crossfit games

Coaching the Crossfit Games Champion with Adam Neiffer

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Welcome back!

In this week's episode, my special guests are Scott Hagnas ( and Adam Neiffer ( Adam is the owner of Crossfit Fort Vancouver, Crossfit Games Athlete, and coach of the 2021 NoBull Crossfit Games Champion Justin Medeiros.

In this conversation we cover:

-How Adam got into Crossfit

-What he learned competing that he takes into coaching

-Why he took on Justin as an athlete

-Justin's strengths and weaknesses and how they attack them

...and so much more!

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2021 No Bull Crossfit Games Recap


In this week's episode, Scott and I talk about the 2021 No Bull Crossfit Games, including my experience attending, the current state of Crossfit, the top male and female performances, and The Fittest Mom on Earth Annie Thorisdottir.

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See you next time.