
The One Exercise You Should Be Doing Every Day

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If there is one exercise that you see on every training program that I write, it’s the 90/90 Hip Lift.  There are many variations of this exercise that I use (right hand reach, two hand reach, etc.), but you will always see it on your program if you work with me.  I usually include it in the warm-up for my clients but regardless if you are a world class athlete or you are a 70 year old who is just looking to stay in shape, you can benefit from this exercise.  Not only does it allow you to feel abs, glutes, and hamstrings, but it can be used to downregulate the nervous system as well.

Here is a breakdown of the 90/90 Hip Lift with Right Hand Reach;

  1. Lie on your back with your feet flat on a wall and your knees and hips bent at a 90- degree angle. 

  2. Place a 4-6 inch ball between your knees. 

  3. Place your right arm pointing toward the ceiling. 

  4. Inhale through your nose and as you exhale through your mouth, perform a pelvic tilt so that your tailbone is raised slightly off the mat. Keep your low back flat on the mat. Do not press your feet flat into the wall instead dig down with your heels. 

  5. As you inhale, reach your hand toward the ceiling.  Maintain the pelvic tilt.

  6. Exhale and keep reaching toward the ceiling feeling left hamstring and abs engage 

  7. Repeat for 5 Breaths x 2 sets

This simple little exercise will alleviate nagging back pain, realign the neck and shoulders, and prepare your entire body for your workout.

This is only a brief description of the exercise, and proper coaching is key to success with the 90/90 hip lift.  If you need a personalized touch, I'm here to help.  Click the link below to book a free assessment today and let’s have you moving pain free now!

The Hardest Core Exercise I Do

I am a big fan of anti-extension exercises like planks, hollow body holds, and carries.  I like to change up my core movements and give myself a challenge every once in a while.  That’s where the incline barbell roll-out comes in.  The nice part about this exercise is that you don’t need any fancy equipment, just a barbell and an incline like a hill or driveway.  I prefer doing roll-outs on a slight incline so gravity can assist the return back to the starting position.  Obviously, if you are strong enough to do this on level ground, more power to you, but I try to go through the full range of motion with the arms completely overhead.  The arms overhead has the most transfer to other exercises that I utilize like handstands and overhead presses.  My goal is to keep a completely rigid core, maintain a hips tucked position, and get some upward rotation and elevation of the scapular so that my shoulders don’t impinge.  If you focus on these three factors, the movement becomes INCREDIBLY challenging, even on an incline.

Looking to improve your core strength? Then maybe it’s time for a personalized training program.  Click the link in my bio to set up a free assessment today!

20 Minute Bodyweight Cardio Workout

Oh boy, am I excited to be sharing this workout with you! I put out a poll on Instagram (follow me @flochfitness) and you guys and gals called for a cardio workout. Well here it is, a 20 minute bodyweight only workout and you don’t need any equipment. The best part is there is a ton of variety and I coach you through the workout as we get after it together! A warm-up and cool-down are included in this workout too!

I just want to thank everyone who has been supporting Floch Fitness, and I hope to continue to bring fun, educational, and valuable content to whomever follows the Floch!

If you are enjoying these workouts, and you want some more, you may want to consider a in person or remote coaching package. The workouts are tailored to your exact needs, ability, and equipment. If you’d like some more information, click the link below to set up a free assessment today!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Floch Fitness Workout of the Week

Welcome back to another great core workout! If you are looking to smash your core, in need of a travel workout, or just looking for some training variety, this workout is for you!

Let me help you reach your fitness goals. Whether at-home personal training, personal training via zoom, or individualized training program, Floch Fitness has exactly what you need. Click the link below to get started.