The Hardest Core Exercise I Do

I am a big fan of anti-extension exercises like planks, hollow body holds, and carries.  I like to change up my core movements and give myself a challenge every once in a while.  That’s where the incline barbell roll-out comes in.  The nice part about this exercise is that you don’t need any fancy equipment, just a barbell and an incline like a hill or driveway.  I prefer doing roll-outs on a slight incline so gravity can assist the return back to the starting position.  Obviously, if you are strong enough to do this on level ground, more power to you, but I try to go through the full range of motion with the arms completely overhead.  The arms overhead has the most transfer to other exercises that I utilize like handstands and overhead presses.  My goal is to keep a completely rigid core, maintain a hips tucked position, and get some upward rotation and elevation of the scapular so that my shoulders don’t impinge.  If you focus on these three factors, the movement becomes INCREDIBLY challenging, even on an incline.

Looking to improve your core strength? Then maybe it’s time for a personalized training program.  Click the link in my bio to set up a free assessment today!