Aging Athletes And Brain Health...


Dr. Rhonda Patrick has been on my radar in the fitness and wellness world since she started becoming popular in the last decade after appearing on the Joe Rogan Experience over 6 times!

As a scientist, she has a wealth of scientific knowledge and as a fitness enthusiast and mother, she is able to share practical advice to her audience.

Recently, she made a post about aging athletes:

“Aerobic exercise training for 12 months led to a 47% improvement in memory and increased blood flow (at rest) to the hippocampus and other brain regions in individuals 60 years and older with memory problems.

Other research has found that aging athletes have better blood flow into the brain cortex region than sedentary older adults.

The exercise program was not bad for 60 year olds. The 1-year program started with a frequency of 3 exercise sessions per week for 25–30 min per session at the intensity of 75–85% of maximal heart rate. At week 11, participants alternated between 3 and 4 exercise sessions per week for 30–35 min per session. After week 26, participants performed 4–5 exercise sessions per week for 30–40 min, including two high intensity sessions.

There is mounting evidence that aerobic exercise is a cost-effective approach to slow age-related cognitive decline and improve memory. Plus, the side effects are positive like a reduced cancer and heart disease risk.

You can find the link to this study in my story. The study DOI is:”

As you can see, there is more and more research coming out in favor of aerobic activity regardless of your age! Thank Dr. Patrick! If you’d like to learn more from Dr. Patrick, you can visit her website: