Meditation Linked to Alzheimer's Disease Prevention

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As if you needed another reason to take up a meditative practice. New research published by the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease has shown that a regular meditation practice has been shown to prevent the bodies stress and inflammation that is linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

Key takeaways:

  1. 12 Minutes-The meditative practice used in the study was only 12 minutes each day. This is great, as it is an easier practice to adhere to and you get the benefits with a rather small minimum affective dose.

  2. Decreased Depression-A regular meditative practice was linked to decreases in depression while boosting mood, energy and memory.

  3. Right For Anyone-As opposed to other forms of memory training, meditation can be performed by people of any age without memory loss or with various degrees of impairment.

The research is pretty conclusive here. Start a daily meditative practice and you are going to see long term health benefits. If you are having trouble starting or staying consistent, I’m here to help! Book a free consult today by clicking the link below!