How To Eat More Vegetables...


When trying to lean out vegetables are your friend. They are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and can help fill you up when you are hungry. The push back I get from most clients is that they hate eating vegetables. Like really hate them. My usual response, “Which vegetables have you tried?” and “How do you cook them?” Honestly, a majority of the nutrition clients I work with have already made up their minds that they hate vegetables before they have even given them a real chance.

When giving my 6 month old vegetables for the first time, I didn’t give him a bunch of raw broccoli and say, “Have at it kid!” That would have been a disaster. My fiancé started by mixing the veggies with different sweeter fruits and formula so the veggies weren’t so overpowering. As he got more used to eating veggies, we slowly increased the amount of vegetables the meal consisted of. In the picture above, Elliot is scarfing down a mashup of peas, corn, carrots, pumpkin, and formula. You don’t have to do the same thing, but with a little effort, you can find a few ways of preparing vegetables so that you can learn to love them and reap the benefits they possess.

Here are 3 ways to make vegetables taste great:

  1. Roasting-Roasting brings out the natural sweetness in vegetables. I have found this is the easiest way to get your kids (and your husband) to eat them. Cut everything into uniform pieces, toss in your cooking fat of choice, and roast at 400° until veggies are soft and slightly browned. Our favorites are Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, carrots, and zucchini. Why is this a hack?

  2. Season Your Veggies-Let’s face it, plain veggies are meh. Stock up on a few awesome spice blends, or make your own. Toss your veggies in spices before roasting, or sprinkle some on just before serving. A little garlic salt or nutmeg go a long way!

  3. Cheese It Up-Sprinkle some parmesans on your veggies. As long as you don’t drown your broccoli, the sprinkle will help A LOT in the flavor department.

Need more help getting vegetables into your diet? I’m here to help! Click the link below to book a free assessment today!