2021 Fitness Predictions!

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This last year has caused all of us to make significant changes in our lives. This includes how we keep our bodies fit. There have been zoom classes, people have bought Pelotons, and many decided to let their fitness fall by the wayside. There is one fact that is certain, the world is not going back to “normal” any time soon, and in some ways it may never be the same. The fitness industry is no exception. In this week’s Fitness, Wellness, and Longevity podcast, Scott Hagnas and I discuss our predictions for the fitness industry in 2021.

Our conversation includes:

  • The future of wearables (apple watch, fitbit, amazon)

  • The death of Globo Gyms and the rise of boutique fitness.

  • Breathing exercises will become part of many people’s wellness routine

  • Mental health will be a part of people’s fitness and wellness routine

  • Alcohol consumption will go down

And so much more.

If you have any questions or topics you'd like to hear Scott and I cover, please send your requests to sean@flochfitness.com

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See you next time.