What's Holding You Back?

Creating changes to to your health and fitness is a simple concept but becomes very overwhelming when we consider the thousands of variables that are avaible to manipulate. Should I eat more? Should I eat less? Should I go paleo? What about vegan? Is weight training the way to go? How much cardio is enough?

First off, yes this can be daunting. But once you realize there are simple steps you can take right now to start changing the way you look, feel, and perform, your confidence in your ability to make changes will grow.

Today, I’ll cover the first step in the process of changing your health and fitness. This is accomplished by asking the question, “What do I want my health and fitness to look like?” Once we ask this question, it narrows our focus and allows us to allocate our most precious commodity, our attention. The key to this question is to get as granular as possible. Saying, “I want to look fit,” is not good enough as it leaves too much to interpretation. What about looking fit do you want? Is it bigger muscles? Is it less body fat? Is it the ability to perform multiple tasks? Once you understand what it is you are actually looking for, it makes it easier to start creating changes that will make an impact on this goal. Lastly, something important: you can’t use the negative to get to your goal. “I don’t want to be fat,” is not a great answer here because it gives us little direction to go. Additionally, because you haven’t given the brain something to move toward, you are going to be left wandering and most likely revert back to something that’s familiar. Instead, “I want to be leaner,” is something that the brain can picture.

I will be covering more from here, but to better define what’s best for you, the audience, I’d like your feedback. If you had a magic wand, create the life that you have dreamed of. In the area below, you can put your answer in and send it my way. These answers are annonymous. Any answers are extremely helpful to my goal of helping people move toward their best life.

Has this question gotten the gears turning? Want to gain clarity on what your goal is? Click the link below to book a free call today!