Get Rid of Stubborn Fat With Dr. Sylvia Tara

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In this episode of the Fitness, Wellness, and Longevity Podcasts my special guest is Dr. Sylvia Tara. Sylvia Tara holds a PhD in biochemistry from the University of California at San Diego and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Tara was a consultant with McKinsey & Company and has worked at the world's largest biotechnology companies. She is the author of The Secret Life of Fat, that was turned into PBS Nova special.

In our conversation, we cover:

1:00 What is the secret to fat

4:14 Losing Weight is not about empty fat cells

5:50 Stubborn Fat Loss

7:30 Leptin Secret

10:00 Dieting Forever

11:40 Lustig and Sugar

13:00 Keto and Fasting

14:00 Fasting

15:00 Adherence is the key to dieting

16:30 Set Points

18:30 Fat Gain

19:40 Adiponectin

23:30 Dexa Scanning

23:20 Bod Pod

24:00 Testosterone and Growth Hormone

25:00 Sleep

26:00 Difference between women

27:00 Growth Hormone and Sleep

28:00 Ghrelin and Exercise

29:00 The importance of leafy greens

30:00 Micro Biom

31:00 Making sense of it all

32:00 Stubborn fat

33:30 Increase fiber to grow biom

35:00 Insulin is satieting

36:00 Widening the fasting window

38:00 Set Point and Calories

39:00 Calories In/Calories Out

42:00 The frustration of stubborn fat

44:00 Self Control

46:00 Temptation bundling

46:00 Take a Break

47:15 Falling off the rails

52:20 National Weight loss Registry

56:30 Never let a problem get too big

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