Add to Lose Weight!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

When I sit down with a nutrition client, one of the first things they ask, “What am I going to have to give up?” Yes, eating healthy is going to come with some changes, but we tend to look at things we are going to have to give up, instead of adding in the healthy foods that are going to replace the unhealthy ones. Using this mindset, it’s easier to make the necessary adjustments.

Here are three add-ons to your current diet that will have you feeling better and eating healthier in no time:

  1. Water-Yes, this sounds simple. But drinking more water can be tricky for some. I am not asking you to give up your favorite beverages, but only to add a glass of water after you drink one. Enjoy coffee in the morning? Add a glass of water after you drink it. How about a diet coke? Grab a glass of water! Lastly, that glass of wine after a long day…water! By the end of the day you are staying hydrated and already feeling better. And you didn’t even have to give up any of the habits you already have.

  2. Vegetables- “I can never find a place to add vegetables.” Well now you can! Add a cup of chopped frozen spinach to your omelet. Eat a handful of baby carrots when you eat a cookie. The key is you don’t need to change anything you are currently eating, just add some vegetables.

  3. Multivitamin- In the morning you brush your teeth. Keep your multivitamin by your tooth brush. Before you brush your teeth, take your vitamin. It may not seem like much, but it’s a step in the right direction.

As you can see, the mindset of what you can’t have is blocking you from all the awesome decisions you can be making without even having to change your current diet! Adding is an amazing first step in changing your nutrition for the better. And it gets even more fun after we take a look at some of the habits and stories that keep us from changing our health. That’s where I come in. I help support and advise you on how to eat, train, and think differently about your health. To see what it’s all about, book a free assessment where I walk you through the process. Let’s get started today!