Eat Healthy and Exercise...For Your Kids!

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If you needed anymore reason to consider your health, a recent study from UC Riverside found, “exercise and a healthy diet in childhood leads to adults with bigger brains and lower levels of anxiety, according to new research.”

The study goes on to talk about how leptin levels are negatively affected by decreasing exercise and switching to high fat and sugar diets. You may be asking, what is leptin? Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that signal the hypothalamus (brain) helps control body weight by increasing energy expenditure and signaling that less food is required. According to the study, early-life exercise increased adult leptin levels as well as fat mass in adult mice, regardless of the diet they ate.

Do yourself (and your kids a favor) and eat better and move every day!

Need to make a change in your diet and exercise? I’m here to help! Click the link below to get started today!