5 Awesome Sandbag Exercises...


Recently, I have been adding more sandbag work in with my clients. Not only is the sandbag very versatile, it is inexpensive and easy to transport. Here is the 40lb. sandbag I recently purchased. I grabbed the sand from home depot for $5 (50lbs.).

Here are my favorite exercises that I like to use with the sandbag for myself and my clients:

Reverse Lunge with Rotation: For this exercise you are working both the legs (lunge) and the core (rotation). As you step back turn toward the leg that you are balancing on. You will feel you core working hard not to fall over. As you stand back up, rotate back to your starting position.

Sandbag Hip Thrusts: Hip thrusts are one of my favorite exercises all you need is a bench/box/step and you are good to go. Unfortunately, it is sometime awkward to load the hip thrust. Enter the sandbag. The sandbag is small and dense yet has some give which allow it to sit nicely on the hips. Plus, you can hold the handles on the bag for added stability.

Zercher Squat- Similar to front squats, zercher squats are about pushing the weight load over your anterior chain so that you can target your quads and hip flexors.

Grab the sandbag with both hands and flip it over so it sits on the inside of your elbows. Squat down keeping your spine straight and breaking at the hips as you go. Repeat.

Sandbag Bent Over Row-These target your lats and rear delts and are ideal for strengthening, as well as for recovery during bootcamp and HIIT sessions. Keeping your back straight, bend forward slightly.

Push your hips out and keep your chest raised so you don't flex your back. Keeping your elbows tucked in, raise the bag up and towards your chest and back down.

Sandbag Shoulder to Shoulder Thruster-Even with a lighter sandbag, this exercise will leave your shoulders smoked!

Looking for more variety in your at home training? I’m here to help! Click the link below to book a free assessment today!