Beginning Your Ageless Athlete Journey...

Yesterday, I wrote about the first steps after transitioning from athletics to fitness for life as an ageless athlete. That’s not to say that ageless athlete will not play recreational sports anymore like golf, tennis, and lacrosse, even if these were your high school/college/professional sports. What it means is that elite performance is no longer your goal, and instead your goals have pivoted to health and longevity.

I mentioned the first step in the transition is regaining for movement capabilities you once had long ago before you were dedicated to your sport(s). Most athletes I work with have tried stretching and massage to try and get themselves more mobility with minimal long term improvements. One of the common reasons ageless athletes have a hard time regaining mobility, especially through stretching, is that their nervous systems are usually super charged. They try to pull on muscles that are already tensioned by your fight-or-flight response. I talk a different approach. With ageless athletes, I try to use gentle movement and nasal breathing to calm the nervous system. Once the athlete is able to breath and relax, we then start to progress from position to position over time to rebuild our movement capabilities. Below is one of my favorite exercises that one of my mentors Zac Cupples showed me. Remember to move very slow, don’t force anything, and breath as relaxed as possible through your nose.

If this started to get you thinking about the chronic pain you have been having or maybe you just haven’t seen progress in the gym, I’m here to help! Click the link to get started working together today!