The First Thing Every Ageless Athlete MUST Do...

For ageless athletes, they usually have a background in sport. Whether that sporting level reached its peak in high school, college, or professionally, the measures afterward are the same: regain total body movement function.

Your see, when an athlete advances closer and closer to elite performance in a sport, the athlete’s body will naturally acclimate to that sport. Certain muscles will tension, others will loosen. Areas will gain explosiveness, while others stiffness and become rigid. Knowing this, in order to maintain healthy movement function and create longevity and resiliency after sport, you must focus on regaining and maintaining movement capabilities for the rest of your life. That’s right, the rest of your life. Some movements will never be the same again, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get improve.

The most common issue I see is ageless athletes try to get back into shape after not moving for many years after they have finished their careers and they are still working with the body they had when they were competing. Unfortunately, the movements needs of the new fitness endeavors usually rub against the movement capabilities of the athlete. This is why athletes often times have issues when trying Crossfit. The ageless athlete still has the competitive mindset, but they have the body of their previous sport. The extreme movement demands of Crossfit are way more advanced than anything the ageless athlete has ever trained before. It’s like putting a Ferrari engine in a Ford Escort. The drive is there, but the structure can support it.

My advice to any ageless athlete who is looking to start a functional fitness routine? Learn the demands of the exercise routine in question, and spend most of your time working toward perfecting that movement. Not only will you see way more benefits from the routine, but you will save your self pain and time as well.

Not sure what fitness routine is right for you? I’m here to help. The first step in the journey with all ageless athlete I work with is understanding your strengths and weaknesses through an assessment. Click below to book one today!