Setting a Foundation...It's Not Sexy, But It's Extremely Important

When I begin working with a client, I assess where they have been, where they are at, and where they want to go. It’s easy to get caught up in the end results, but I have to constantly remind myself that without a solid foundation of work the results will never happen.

Take nutritional intervention for example. Most people want to get crazy about macros and low carb diets, but when we start, the foundational components are usually much more simple.

Here is an actual nutritional prescription I gave to a client recently (for context, their short-term goal is weight loss, and long-term goal is longevity and health):

  1. Drink 64oz. Water Daily

  2. No Sugar

  3. Bedtime 10pm on Weekdays

When I performed this client’s assessment, he wasn’t drinking much water during the day, he complained of being tired all the time and had an erratic sleep schedule, and he loved sweets. These are some enormous pieces of low hanging fruit, so we will get the most bang for buck out of these. Moreover, if we don’t address these aspects of his health, any nutrition plan we implement in the future will be limited significantly by hydration, sleep, and excess sugar. In fact, this might be his prescription for the next 6 months until:

  1. He is 100% compliant

  2. We stop getting a return on this prescription

Don’t get caught up in all the hype and shiny bells and whistles. Work on the basics until they don’t give you a return, then tweak things based on new information. You will be better off with this strategy in the long run.

Need help creating significant change with your health? I’m here to help. Book a free call and let’s start uncovering the real you today!