Athlete Spotlight: Ethan Smith

When you experience a setback, it’s easy to get caught in self-pity. You are met with the painful realization that what you thought was going to happen, isn’t in the cards and all of a sudden you are down on yourself. This is normal, and it’s also okay. Once you move past that discomfort, there is something beautiful lying in wait. What I try to teach my clients is that every setback is an opportunity in disguise. As a coach, all I can really offer is the space and time for you to decide what that opportunity is.

When Ethan Smith was struggling with some chronic wrist issues (exacerbated repetitive movements at work), we decided to rehab the wrist, change up the training, and focus on getting the lower body stronger, as his upper body was limited from the wrist injury. After switching his training program, he hit personal bests in the back squat and when we returned to the upper body lifts, he PR’d their too (see video above)! Sometimes our plans not working out is the best thing that can happen to us. What other choice do we have???

Looking to change up your training? I’m here to help! Click the link below to set up a free assessment and let’s see what a new training program can do for you!