
OverHyped vs. UnderHyped Vol. 1

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One of my clients and mentors Professor Scott Galloway’s most recent presentation at Code featured overhyped and underhyped concepts in the world of tech and business. This inspired me to consider all of the overhyped and underhyped areas of health, nutrition, and exercise. In my first edition of Overhyped vs. Underhyped, I’d like to tackle Water (overhyped) and Salt (underhyped).

Why is water overhyped? Anecdotally, I have seen few clients that I work with not consume any water. Again, I am biased because I don’t usually work with traditional western population. I am usually working with or consulting fitter populations who already have a basic idea of hydration. As a baseline, I try to have clients drink 1/2 their bodyweight in ounces each day in fluid (i.e. 180lb. person would drink 90 ounces, roughly, 11 glasses of water daily). Consuming adequate water doesn’t worry me too much as this benchmark doesn’t factor in fluids we take in from food. Watermelon for instance is 92% water. So if you eat 12oz. of watermelon, you just consumed over a cup of fluid. If you are eating a diet that is filled with fruits and veggies and you are at least considering your water intake, you are probably fine with your hydration. That’s why I believe for most ageless athletes, hydration is overhyped.

Why is salt underhyped? Since ageless athletes and more fit populations consume more whole foods (not processed foods), they consume minimal amounts of salt (if they aren’t supplementing or salting their foods). In fact, the majority of our sodium intake in western diets, over 70%, comes from packaged, processed foods and restaurant meals. Since whole foods are minimally processed, you aren’t taking in much salt. “But isn’t salt bad for me?” you may ask. Actually, if you didn’t have any salt, you’d be dead. “But what about high blood pressure? Doesn’t a diet high in sodium cause by blood pressure to sky rocket?” The theory is that high sodium diets cause the body to retain extra water, which puts stress on the heart and blood vessels and can cause blood pressure to rise. For this reason, some providers tell their patients to limit salt to 2,300 mg a day (or less) (whole30.com). Roughly 1 in 4 people are salt sensitive, meaning increases in sodium will cause your blood pressure to increase (if your healthcare practitioner has diagnosed you as sensitive, listen to them!). However, if you find yourself in any of the following categories, you may see benefit increasing salt:

  • Those following a low-carbohydrate or keto diet since they excrete more sodium

  • Those who are nursing and thus losing water and electrolytes at feedings

  • Those who sweat a lot and/or workout in hot/humid climates

  • Strength and endurance athletes

  • Those under chronic stress, experiencing “adrenal fatigue” (known as HPA-axis dysfunction) may feel better since low sodium levels elevates stress hormones.

  • Those with low blood pressure may find it helps with orthostatic hypotension (feeling dizzy upon standing)

In the near future, I will be interviewing the CEO of a great company LMNT, that specializes in salt supplementation, so stay tuned!

If you liked what you saw hear, or you learned something, please share this with a friend! If you are constantly feeling overwhelmed by nutrition, it may be time to meet with an expert who can save you time and energy. Click the link below to get started today!

Stay Hydrated


Myth: We need 8 glasses of water a day.
Fact: Not only is this simply not the case, no one really knows where the recommendation came from! The fact is, different people need different amounts of water to stay hydrated. It all depends on how much we perspire, which is affected by the climate we live in, the kinds of clothing we wear, and our activity levels.
While there is no single recommendation for how much water each of us needs, a rule that myself and my clients follow is to drink fluids when you are thirsty and have beverages with your meals. For most of us, that’s enough to stay hydrated. But try to stay away from sweetened beverages as they can have too many calories.
Another way you can estimate if you are well hydrated is by the color of your urine. If it’s pale or straw-colored, you are likely well hydrated. Dark urine can indicate that you’re not.

See you next time!