
Testing Your Endurance

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Earlier this week, I wrote about the importance of energy system training when it comes to your overall fitness. Assessing a client’s current endurance level is always my first step. I need to know what their short, medium, and long endurance looks like so I know what you are able to handle in training. It also allows us to work together to set goals from there. Unless the individual is training for a long endurance event (marathon or ironman), I use three tests to assess their current fitness level:

  1. 1min Assault Bike for Cals-This test is one of the harder tests you can do. Because of the power output, the client will be pushing extremely hard. The legs will burn, the heart rate will sky rocket, and afterward you will be absolutely crushed. You will live. The takeaways from this test are:

    1. Anaerobic power

    2. Heart rate recovery After 1min

    3. Tolerance for the suck

  2. 2k Row for Time: Though 2,000m on the rower seems easy, those in the know understand how bad the last 500m are on this test. The takeaways from this test are:

    1. Aerobic Power (relative to bodyweight)

    2. Row Efficiency

    3. Heart Rate Recover After 1min

  3. 10 Rounds For Time:

    10 Burpees

    100m run

    10 KB Swings

    100m Run

    10 Box Jumps

    100m Run

    This is a mixed modal aerobic endurance test. There is nothing that will slow you down, but if you are poor at pacing, your time per round will fall off drastically. Takeaways from this workout

    1. Aerobic Endurance

    2. Pacing

    3. Average Heart Rate

I show you these workouts to give you a general idea of what an assessment will look like. From there, I compare the individuals times to metrics that I have used for over a decade. We then look at where the individual needs the most work and program their training from there. When it comes to an exercise program, I don’t guess, I assess! And you should to. To learn more about energy system assessments, click the link below to listen to Scott Hagnas and I’s most recent podcast.

Looking to start a training program of your own? Click the link below to book a free assessment today!

Is your movement holding you back?


When working with new clients, I find it essential to perform an assessment in order to determine areas they need to improve on relative to their goals. Part of the assessment is a movement screen. Even if the client is working toward body composition changes, it is still important to see how the client moves. Why? When working toward changing your body composition, exercise and fitness is a going to be a large component. In order to determine the best exercises to choose from, we need to know what you are capable of. The last thing I want is to put the client at risk of injury.

If you are looking to improve your strength, body composition, or performance, and your progress has stalled, it may be time to assess your movement and see what may be holding you back. Listen to Scott Hagnas and I’s most recent podcast to learn some simple self-assessments that you can perform at home by clicking the link below.

If you are ready to start your fitness journey, click the link below!