Your microbiota is preventing you from losing weight...

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In a recent article published by the American Society for Microbiology, researchers looked at the influence of gut microbiome on weight loss. A major finding was that the ability of the gut microbiome to break down starches was increased in people who did not lose weight. Moreover, in those that lost more weight, these individuals processed genes that help bacteria grow faster, multiply, replicate and assemble cell walls.

In essence, researchers are finding that your gut biome plays a significant roll in your ability to lose weight. Moreover, if you are having trouble losing weight, you may have to change your gut biome first before you may be able to lose weight. The question is, “ What is the best route to changing one’s gut biome to promote weight loss.”

When looking at healing the gut, and changing the supporting a healthy gut biome, there is one inexpensive and powerful place to start: an elimination diet. For an elimination diet, I look to one of the leaders in this area Dr. Peter Kozlowski. In a recent interview with Dr. Koz, he explained that by removing all potentially troublesome foods for 30 days, then reintroducing them back one by one, we give our immune system and gut biome a chance to “calm down” and reacclimate. If you have had issues with gut health, this would be a great place to start and Unfunc Your Gut breaks down exactly how to do this. You can pick up your own copy here.

The process of reengineering your health is challenging on your own, and it’s extremely beneficial to have a guide along the way to save you time, energy, and money. Click the link below to change your gut now!