Are Pesticides Causing Obesity?

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More research is coming out against the widespread use of pesticides. In a recent study published by McMaster University, researchers discovered that chlorpyrifos, which is banned for use on foods in Canada but widely sprayed on fruits and vegetables in many other parts of the world, slows down the burning of calories in the brown adipose tissue of mice. Reducing this burning of calories, a process known as diet-induced thermogenesis, causes the body to store these extra calories, promoting obesity. Scientists made the discovery after studying 34 commonly used pesticides and herbicides in brown fat cells and testing the effects of chlorpyrifos in mice fed high calorie diets.

My take? Mice studies can offer some insight into the complex problem of obesity in humans. However, we have to balance this out with practicality. Everything can be potentially harmful in specific doses. Read this if you don’t believe me! Thought organic fruits and vegetables are less toxic and use fewer pesticides than non-organic, you don’t have to buy everything organic (and in some cases it’s a complete waste of money!). These 12 foods should be bought organic because of their propensity to soak up pesticides in their skin, flesh, and leaves:

  1. Strawberries

  2. Spinach

  3. Kale

  4. Nectarines

  5. Apples

  6. Graps

  7. Peaches

  8. Cherries

  9. Pears

  10. Tomatoes

  11. Celery

  12. Potatoes

Outsides of these foods, you should be in the clear!

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