Exercise Changes Your DNA?

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While it is widely known that regular physical exercise decreases the risk of virtually all chronic illnesses, the mechanisms at play are not fully known. Now scientists at the University of Copenhagen have discovered that the beneficial effects of physical exercise may in part result from changes to the structure of our DNA. These changes are referred as 'epigenetic'.

In the study, six weeks of physical exercise led to changes in the epigenetic information of skeletal muscle cells in young men. These changes took place in areas of the genome that have been linked to disease. Scientists say their research shows how exercise remodels DNA in skeletal muscle, so that new signals are established to keep the body healthy.

My take? This makes total sense and emphasizes that as we age, it is critical to continue activities to preserve muscle mass. The idea, “If you don’t use it, you lose it,” is showing to be extremely accurate when it comes to preserving muscle mass. In addition this shows that it isn’t just your genes that dictate your body composition, but the signals your body receives that will ultimately matter. If you haven’t strength trained before, and want to put on lean muscle mass, then you must strength train!

The time is now to get a strength routine started, and I’m here to help. Click the link below to get started today!