4 Unconventional Sleep Tips With Sleep Expert Dr. Matt Walker

In a recent Huberman Lab Podcast, Dr. Matthew Walker gave some unbelievably simple and helpful tips on sleep:

  1. If you get a bad night’s sleep, DO NOTHING-Following a poor night’s sleep, it is normal for us to want to sleep in later, nap, go to bed early, or maybe even have an extra cup of coffee. Dr. Walker suggests doing none of those things, as it will throw off your body’s natural sleep cycle the following evening. Matt's advice, don’t do anything.

  2. Have a wind down routine-Many of us think of sleep like a “light switch.” Get into bed and go to sleep. Dr. Walker says, “Going to bed is more like landing a plane.” Meaning there are a gradual sequence of events that happen before you sleep. He suggests a wind down routine that might consist of light stretching, meditation, reading, listen to a podcast, and keep it consistent. Practicing

  3. Don’t count sheep!- Studies show that counting sheep usually makes it harder to go to sleep because it keeps the areas of the brain on that need to downregulate in order for you to go to sleep. Instead, Dr. Walker recommends going on a mental walk in a familiar area that you can remember (a park, around your neighborhood, etc.). Additionally, Dr. Walker recommends journaling an hour before bed in order to clear the mind of ruminating thoughts. This “worry journaling” closes down the tabs in your mind instead of having them “open” during sleep (studies show that performing this activity can reduce the time it takes you to fall asleep by 50%!).

  4. Get Rid of Clocks-Remove all clock faces in your bedroom (including your phone). Having clocks in the bedroom you are more likely to check them when you are having a tough night’s sleep adding to anxiety around sleep.

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