Save Money By Working Out???

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In a recent study published by the British Medical Journal, researchers found that healthcare cost burden in later life could be reduced through promotion efforts supporting physical activity participation throughout adulthood. In other words, you can save money on healthcare is you take care of yourself earlier in life. The study goes on to say, “In a large US sample, we found, healthcare costs in later life were significantly lower for maintainers, adults who maintained moderate (US$1350/year or 15.9%) or high (US$1200/year or 14.1%) physical activity levels and increasers, adults who increased physical activity levels in early adulthood (US$1874/year or 22.0%) or in middle age (US$824/year or 9.7%) compared with adults who were consistently inactive from adolescence into middle age.

My take? This makes complete sense. The earlier and more consistent you enact a exercise plan, the better the benefits will be later in life. If you have been waiting for a reason to get an exercise routine started, here it is! It doesn’t have to be too challenging, especially in the beginning. It’s just about getting started. And I am here to help!

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