More than just dieting...

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Wondering why you can’t nick those habits around poor eating? In my experience as a nutrition coach, you can’t change your diet without changing who you are first. Behavioral changes that impact your identity must be practiced. In a recent study in the European Society of Cardiology, '“People living with obesity who attended a non-judgmental and personalized lifestyle modification program improved their cardiovascular and mental health during just 10 weeks… Participants lost weight and achieved benefits in anxiety and depression and physical measurements including blood pressure.”

The study goes on to say, “We focus on changing behaviors and improving people's relationship with food…Many participants have tried diets with strict rules and have fears about foods they can't eat. Our program has no diet or meal plan, and no foods are excluded. Each person sets their own goals, which are reviewed weekly, and our approach is non-judgmental, which builds rapport and gains trust."

It’s great to see science validating approaches that Floch Fitness have been working with for years!

If you are ready to take a habit based approach toward body composition changes, I’m here to help! Click the link below to get started today!