What Do My Workouts Look Like?

20 Minute Bodyweight Cardio Workout-2.jpg

Over the last year, my workout routine has changed drastically from what I would do when I owned my own gym. Circumstances like training equipment, available time, and energy created hurdles. However, I didn’t allow these changes to dissuade me of my foundation and my goal; remain fit and pain free. I have been amazed at how little training I have needed in order to have the aesthetic I desire while still having fun and keeping my priorities in order like my family and work.

Just to get an idea of little training I have been doing, here is a sample week of training:


Aerobic Intervals:

4min Countdown Clock:

Run 400m

12 KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges (16kg/hand)

15 Push-Ups

Row In Time Remaining

-rest 2min b/t sets

x 4 sets






AMRAP 12min:

Run 100m

12 Box Jumps (24”)

12 Wall Balls (20lbs.)

-rest 2min

AMRAP 12min:

10cals Row

15 Russian KB Swings (24kg)




Team Workout (with Lauren)

AMRAP 25min (share work):

100 Hang Power Cleans (115lbs.)

100 Cals Assault Bik

100 Walking Lunges


AMRAP 20min (alternating movements):

12 KB Push Press (24kg/hand)

12 Cals Row

12 Ring Rows

As you can see, I am training at most 2.5 hours in the entire week. This includes my warm-ups as well. To reduce the time it takes for me to prep for my workouts I choose movements that aren’t going to need as much prep time and I prioritize two or three movements in my warm-up in order to be ready. Though my training time is tight, I am 100% consistent. 4 times per week. No excuses. Something is better than nothing…always.

One last thing to mention is even though my workouts are important, my diet has also been consistent as well. No processed foods, no sugar, and 95% whole foods (more on this in another post).

Dump the excuse of “not enough time,” and let’s get started creating the life of your dreams today! Click the link below to get started.