Radical Longevity With Ann Louise Gittleman

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Last week, I got to sit down and talk with best selling author and health expert Ann Louise Gittleman.

As one of the world’s foremost experts in functional and integrative medicine, Ann Louise holds an M.S. in Nutrition Education from Columbia University, has the title of Certified Nutrition Specialist (C.N.S.) from the American College of Nutrition and a Ph.D. in Holistic Nutrition. She has also served as the Chief Nutritionist of Pediatric Clinic at Bellevue Hospital and is the former Director of Nutrition at the Pritikin Longevity Center in Santa Monica, CA. She has won numerous awards, including The American Medical Writers Association Award for Excellence.

Over the years, Ann Louise has been a regular health contributor on several television shows and networks, including 20/20, Dr. Phil, The View, Good Morning America, Extra, FitTV and The Early Show. In addition, her work has been featured on ABC, CNN, PBS, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CBN, Fox News and the BBC.

In this episode we cover some great topics from her new book Radical Longevity (release date May 11, 2021 and available now for pre-order). We talk about:

-considerations for the male aging athlete

-how to deal with pre and peri-menopause

-post partum weight loss

-heavy metal toxicity

-what longevity really means

and so much more!

Thank you again to Ann Louise for coming onto the podcast! Thank you so much for listening and if you like today's podcast please subscribe, rate, review and share with your friends!