One of my favorite strength and conditioning coaches once said, “If you aren’t happy with how big or fast you are, go back in time and pick new parents.” In a lot of ways, this statement is true. Your size, leanness, strength potential, and speed are largely dependent on your genes (nature). If you trained your butt off for years, ate perfectly, and maximized your potential, you are going to be a leaner/stronger version of your parents (nurture). I am not saying this to rain on anyone’s parade, but to keep your expectations realistic.
Hafthor Bjornsson (6’7”, 400lbs.), the world’s strongest man, standing next to his father and grandfather.
I am 5’9.5” and weigh 175lbs.. When I was in my peak physical condition in my mid 20s, training 6 days a week, twice a day, I was 5’9.5” and weighed 177lbs.. Was I stronger and fitter for the sport that I was competing in? Yes. But even with everything dialed in, there was only so much I could do with what god gave me.
Ten years later, I am almost as lean as when I competed in Crossfit, have a lot less joint pain and physical issues, and I have a whole lot more balance in the other areas of my life (career, relationships, and parenthood). I wouldn’t trade anything for that time when I was chasing my maximum athletic potential because I gained an enormous amount of experiential knowledge and life experiences in the process. I can honestly sit down in front of a client and know if they are working toward their goal because of a deep passion and knowing or because they are running away from something that is too scary for them to look at.
Are you an aging athlete who is having a hard time finding the right mix of being goal oriented, disciplined, and having fun with your training? I’m here to help! Click the link below to book a free assessment today!