Do You Eat Too Fast?


Pop quiz: Where does digestion start?


Answer: Your mouth!

I know some of you may not have gotten the right answer here, but it’s true. The physical act of digesting food starts in your mouth, not in the stomach. This is perhaps one of the most critical reasons why you need to chew your food an appropriate amount of times. In a study published in the journal Physiology and Human Behavior, effective chewing supported:

  • Reduced self-reported hunger.

  • Increased gut hormone release.

  • Promotion of satiety by influencing appetite, intake and hormone release.

If you’d like to experience these benefits, here are 5 tips for better food hygiene:

  1. Chew Your Food – Don’t just chew enough to swallow. Your saliva plays a huge role in breaking down food. Take your time when eating. Start by chewing at least 30 times before swallowing.

  2. No Liquids – Avoid drinking liquids 15 minutes before or after any meal. Allow your stomach the space and time needed to absorb the nutrients digested from your meal. Don’t use liquids as a replacement for your salivary glands.

  3. Sit Down – Sitting down can help relax you and aid good digestion.

  4. Take Ten Deep Breaths – Taking a moment before eating will help put your body in the right state for good digestion.

  5. Smell Your Food – The simple act of smelling your food will switch your salivary glands on and get your stomach ready for the meal you are about to enjoy.

Need some extra motivation and accountability when it comes to changing your diet? I’m here to help! Click the link below to set up a free assessment today!