6 Amazing Shoulder Press Variations...

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Looking for some variety in your vertical pressing that keeps the strain off the joints? These dumbbell pressing variation are a great option. Why dumbbell pressing? Using dumbbells allows the joint to move more freely than when your hands are fixed to the bar. On top of that, doing one arm at a time allows you to work on asymmetries and different breathing and compression strategies that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to practice with the barbell.

When incorporating these exercises into your training routine, start with a weigh that you can do 8-10 reps for 3 sets. From week to week, increase the number of reps with the same weight. Once you are able to do 3 sets of 15 reps, increase the weight by 5% and decrease the reps back to 8-10. Once this movement feels good and your range of motion has improved, work toward mastering the next movement.

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