How I Calculate My Calories

Earlier this week, I talked about how you can leverage particular foods for muscle gain and fat loss. I used the term “maintenance calories” to describe the number of calories you need to take in to remain the same weight. To determine quantity of maintenance calories, I use the calorie estimator from Precision Nutrition.

The calculator is super simple to use, and will give you an estimate of calories based on your goal (fat loss, longevity, performance, muscle gain, etc.) and factors like activity level, exercise frequency, and exercise intensity. It even gives you the breakdown of macros and what that looks like in a simple comparison to your hand (For example how many palmfuls of protein you should be having daily).

This information is only as powerful as the person who wields it. If you need help identifying road blocks and coming up with strategies to overcome them, I’m here to help! Click the link to start working on your nutrition today!