Self-Care in 2021

In 2020, I put a bunch of self care tasks on the back burner as the pandemic and taking care of an infant became much more of a focal point in my life.  In 2021, I hope to make self care much more of a priority.  That intention started today when I got an annual skin exam at the Rendon Center in Boca Raton, FL.  I’m not going to lie, I had been afraid of getting my skin checked by a dermatologist.  When I was younger, I would try my hardest to be as tan as possible, including using tanning beds in college.  I figured at this point there would be something funky growing on my skin.  My fiancé has been my biggest motivator, as she has been pushing me to go for the last year or so.  She is a born and raised Floridian, and knows how harsh the Florida sun can be on your skin.  My visit was a piece of cake and I am motivated to take care of my skin, including regular sunscreen use (recommended), always wearing a hat, and scheduling annual check-ups.  I am not only staving off skin cancer, but I keep myself looking young for years to come.  This action is only a small step in taking care of myself, but even small steps are taking you in the right direction.

Sometimes, it’s hard putting yourself first.  However, if the airplane is going down, you have to affix your own oxygen mask before you help others with theirs. It’s time to make 2021 the year of self care,  and a nutrition and fitness program should be right at the top of your list.  Book a free assessment today, and let’s talk about how we can work together to build the best version of you in 2021!