I Didn't Say It'd Be Easy, I Said It'd Be Worth It...

While on a zoom call, Charlie chirped with a smirk on his face, “Man I hate these lunges.  They are so hard for me!”  I replied, “I didn’t say it’d be easy, I said it’d be worth it.”  Charlie pondered for a moment, laughed and said, “I’m stealing that.” 

Charlie Kenney and I have been working together since the beginning of the pandemic.  First remotely as he was spending the summer in the northeast, but now in person since he is back down to south Florida for the winter.  We meet at the local park three days a week for an hour session including stretching and mobility, strength work, and conditioning.  I bring all the necessary equipment, Charlie gets a great workout, and he goes back on with his day.  However, Charlie sees it as more than just a workout.  Charlie gets to take an hour away from the grind of work and other responsibilities to work on himself.  It creates a ripple effect through the rest of his day and it will pay dividends for years to come.    

Charlie shows age is just a number, and he plans on continuing his healthy lifestyle for good!  It’s never too late to work on your own fitness.  Let’s get started today!  Click the link below to book a free assessment!