Best Running Shoe of 2020?

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When it comes to shoes, I am a bit of a snob. But I think I have the right to be. There are few things that you wear that mean more to your posture and movement than your shoes. Your feet represent your sole point of contact to the ground, and if what is on your feet impedes the messages sent to the brain, then there are going to be issues.

The Postural Restoration Institute gives four recommendations when it comes to shoe that is going to support good posture and gate:

  1. Heel counter does not fold in

  2. Shoes bends in the toe box easily and not in the middle of the shoe

  3. No outside heel give

  4. Heel height should be symmetrical

The Asics Gel Cumulus 21 check all these boxes. From the Postural Restoration Institute, they describe the Cumulus 21 of their recommended shoe list:

  • Most Narrow Heel Counter

  • Most Vertical Heel Counter

  • Firm Sole

  • Average Toe Box Width

  • Works well with Orthotics

Aside from being an amazing shoe for your posture and movement, the Cumulus 21 is now on sale on Amazon for ~$54. That is a steel and you would be wise to pick up a pair (or two!) today!

Looking to do your very first marathon in 2021, or maybe you want to break your personal best? I’d love to help! Click the link below to get started today!