A Lifetime of Nutrition: Floch Fitness Nutrition Seminar

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Food, like many of you, has been a critical part of my life.  Not for the most obvious reasons like survival, sustenance, and pleasure, but to fuel my goal during various times in my life.  Starting in middle school, I wrestled competitively, which meant weight cutting.  This is when food became more than just “what my parents gave me” and transformed into “what I needed to conquer and understand in order to make the weight.”  Fast forward to college and food became, “What can I get the most bang for buck?” Being a poor undergrad trying to feed himself while playing a college sport,  meant I needed to be strategic and crafty with what and how I ate.  After college I entered the sport of triathlon, and this is where food transformed into “fuel for endless hours of training.”  As triathlon got more serious, my health declined and now I looked at food a different way still: medicine.  The food I was eating during triathlon training was harming my body, causing my stomach, gallbladder, and liver to malfunction.  Changes in my diet caused improvements in my health and from there my goal changed to the sport of fitness (Crossfit).  During this chapter of my life, food supported my performance and now my career.  I was now making a living as a coach which meant every calorie I put in my body would now “put food on the table.”  As I shift my goal into long term health, my view now is food is my future.

Food has meant so many things to me over my life, and it is constantly changing.  My understanding of food has been challenged by so many different perspectives.  These perspectives allow me to sit down in front of a client or clients and find out what their goals are and how food can either help them move toward that goal, or drive them away from it.

In this video shot a few years back (much more hair then), I shared my thoughts on nutrition in a seminar I held at Crossfit Delray Beach.  We cover many topics here like nutrition for performance, diet for losing weight, and simple things like how to count your macros and what the best types of fats are.  This is 20+ years of my nutrition knowledge (both academically and experientially).  I hope you can take a few golden nuggets away from it.

Your diet is important in your body, mind, and spirit.  It’s time to start treating the food you put in your body as fueling all three areas.  Let’s work toward a better diet together.  Click the link below to book a free assessment to and start your journey toward the best version of you.