
Aching Wrists? Try This Mobility Routine!

One of the common complaints that I receive  from group fitness athletes a.k.a. Crossfitters, is hand and wrist pain from barbell front rack movements. Most of the time, these issues stem from lack of shoulder mobility and rib cage mechanics however, there are some instances where it is appropriate to work directly on the hands and wrists themselves. This is either when an individual has had a wrist or hand injury or they suffer from an acute immobility in the hand and wrist. The following routine (inspired by Scott Hagnas and Gymnastic Bodies) is a simple risk series that can be completed before or after your workouts. My advice to you is work just outside your current pain-free range of motion and never go until to the point of significant pain. Slight discomfort is OK, but you should never have pain during these movements. Perform 10 reps of each movement. You can choose to either rest or do these movements consecutively. As you get stronger, increase range of motion. You can increase the intensity by placing more of your body weight over your hands and wrists. I recommend building the number of sets before increasing the intensity.

Are you dealing with specific mobility issues that prevent you from front racking the bar front? Do Burpee‘s cause your wrists to burn? I want to help! Click the link below to set up a free assessment and let’s work together To unlock your performance And working pain-free today!