
Is Wine At The End of The Day Bad For You?


In working with nutrition clients, I am often asked about indulgencies. “Can I have this…” or “What about my favorite…” In fact, I spoke with a couple recently who enjoys a glass of wine while having dinner and watching tv at the end of the day.

Many would say, “Stop the wine it will kill you!” and depending on the case, I probably would have said that too years ago. But as I have learned (awesome resource here), grown, and tried various strategies for eliciting change, I have come to a different understanding of why we do things. The key in the case I laid out above is, the wine is stacked with some other habits that allows the couple to unwind at the end of the day. They want to destress and enjoy themselves. Enjoying life and being with others is a pillar of health. If I take that away, it has the potentially of creating more suffering. But if we are able to look at the habit, and ask, “Does this serve me?” we can bring awareness and create change.

My action step for the couple? “You can have your glass of wine with dinner, but instead of the television being on, I want it off and I want you to connect with each other. Ask each other how your day was or what your day looks like tomorrow. What did you dream about last night? Have a conversation during dinner while you enjoy your wine and food.” In this scenario, we are taking a habit that they already have and stacking something new and expansive on top of it. It also allows more awareness to what they are eating and drinking because they aren’t off in la la land with television. This has the potential affect of eating and drinking less. We are using the “indulgence” to create a vibration shift and MASSIVE change.

With all that being said, changes and interventions are on a case-by-case basis and supervised with regular check-ins. If you are looking to create change in your life, the time is now, and I am here to help! Click the link below to get started today!