
How to Snack Better...

When performing a nutritional consultation, I often get questions about snacking between meals. I don’t believe that eating every two to three hours is a necessity for all healthy eaters, but when snacks are necessary it’s important to adhere to a few basic rules:

  1. Include protein with your snack- Protein is broken down in the body and his a minimal effect on blood glucose levels if adequate insulin is available. In one study, men eating a high-protein, high-fiber snack bar had lower levels of the hunger hormone gherlin and higher levels of the fullness hormone GLP-1. They also took in an average of 425 fewer calories per day (1). When you are hungry, avoid snacks that are only carbohydrates as this will cause your blood sugar to spike and crash, causing you to be hungry soon after snacking. Protein, fat, and carb in snacks as well as meals.

  2. Vegetables are your friend- If you are looking to lose body fat, vegetables tend to be lower in calories, yet pack a way more powerful punch when it comes to keeping you healthy and full for longer. This all means you may tend to eat fewer calories, while still feeling satisfied, if not more satisfied, than when you rely on packaged foods and foods devoid of nutrients.

    1. Here’s a quick, easy, and tasty vegetable snack recipe:

      Cauliflower Popcorn:

      Bake in the oven for 30 minutes, and then sprinkle with onion powder and chives.


3. Plan Your Snacks Ahead Of Time-Though this one seems obvious, when we are hungry we have to have options readily available or else we will dash for the vending machine or convenience store. Keeping fresh fruit, pouches of nut butter, or your favorite healthy snack bar in your desk at work or in the glove compartment can save you in a pinch!

Wondering if your snack options are setting your diet and nutrition back? I’m here to help! Click the link below to book a free assessment today!